Unlock the full potential of your business with Microsoft Partner Solutions.

As an Microsoft Service Provider, we can help you drive innovation, expand your business services, and increase operational agility with our AWS cloud consulting services and solutions.
Benefits of using Microsoft:
Wide range of products and services: Microsoft offers a wide range of products and services, including operating systems, productivity software, cloud computing, and more. This allows businesses and individuals to find solutions that meet their specific needs.

Compatibility with other Microsoft products: Microsoft products are often compatible, making it easy to use multiple products and services together.

Strong security: Microsoft emphasizes security and has multiple measures in place to protect its products and services from cyber threats.

Enterprise-level support: Microsoft offers enterprise-level support for its products and services, including technical support, training, and consulting services.

Strong brand reputation: Microsoft is a well-known and trusted brand, which can give businesses and individuals confidence in their products and services.

Integration with other platforms: Many Microsoft products and services can be integrated with other platforms and tools, making it easier to use them in conjunction with other tools and systems.
Applications and Infrastructure:
Cloud Platform:
Maximize the value of your cloud investments with NexaQ’s Cloud Platform. This comprehensive solution combines the right technologies, processes, and culture to help organizations of all sizes take advantage of the efficiency and flexibility of the cloud. It includes a range of cloud services and accelerators, all managed through a single platform.
Data Centre Transformation with Microsoft Azure:
Migrating to the cloud is a great start, but true transformation requires a holistic approach to modernizing your data center. Achieve maximum benefits from the cloud with a comprehensive data center transformation solution.
Develop Cloud-Native Applications:
Upgrading your existing applications to the cloud is a valuable step, but building new cloud-native applications is essential for truly realizing the benefits of cloud computing. Enhance your cloud strategy with the help of NexaQ.
Migrate SAP Applications to Microsoft Azure:
Maximize the value of your cloud investments with Capgemini's Cloud Platform. This comprehensive solution combines the right technologies, processes, and culture to help organizations of all sizes take advantage of the efficiency and flexibility of the cloud. It includes a range of cloud services and accelerators, all managed through a single platform.
Modernize and Migrate Legacy Applications:
To achieve best-in-class performance, consider running your SAP® applications on Microsoft Azure. Your vision. Your cloud. Your SAP applications optimized.
Sharepoint Implementation
Migrating to the cloud is a great start, but true transformation requires a holistic approach to modernizing your data center. Achieve maximum benefits from the cloud with a comprehensive data center transformation solution.
Workplace Modernization:
My Workspace:
Give your employees the ability to work from anywhere, on any device, with a secure, unified platform that provides access to all of their data and services. Transform the workplace with consumer-grade technologies.
SMART Workspace:
The SMART WorkSpace transforms traditional workplace environments into high-performance platforms.
Data and AI:
Instore Analytics:
Today’s companies struggle to get valuable insights from in-store activity. Challenge it with our partnership
Insights-Driven Business:
Shopping habits and customer expectations have changed permanently. In order to stand out from the competition and foster customer loyalty, retailers must design and deliver seamless and personalized experiences for their customers. This requires a shift in the way they engage with shoppers.
Perform AI:
Unlock the transformative power of data and AI with Perform AI. Many organizations have successfully implemented AI projects at scale, but only a small percentage have deployed multiple AI applications across multiple teams. Don't miss out on the benefits of AI – let Perform AI help you leverage its full potential.
Core Business Processes:
Microsoft Dynamics:
Improve how you interact with customers and manage your business by adopting a more intelligent approach. Transition from reactive to proactive decision-making and equip your employees with insights that drive better results. Microsoft Dynamics 365 allows you to extract greater value from your data and access real-time insights that can make a real impact on your business.
Microsoft 365:
The potential to reduce IT costs is motivating more businesses to move their operations to the cloud. Capgemini can assist you in this transition by using Microsoft's Office 365, a comprehensive suite of SaaS tools that enables you to develop a cloud adoption strategy that aligns with your business goals. Office 365 helps you get the most out of the cloud and take advantage of its cost-saving potential.
Microsoft Power Automate:
Microsoft Power Automate helps you in Business process automation (BPA) through which you can automating daily, repeatable business processes that are typically done manually. From simple customer responses to complex multilevel workflows, BPA allows for the quick and efficient conversion of repetitive work to paperless processes. BPA can be applied to various areas, such as product development, sales, and human resources, that deal with large amounts of raw data and documentation.
We help customers harness power of data and quality through our expertise in managing data and quality analytics.
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